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    Ten Random Facts

    Courtney tagged me in one of her posts to write ten random facts about myself, so I spent some time thinking about it, and here they are! 1. I never played sports in High School. In fact, I wasn’t athletic at all. I remember being forced to run “the mile” in gym glass and could barely do it. I was always in the back of the pack and came in almost dead last. The only thing I could kind of play was badminton. I never considered myself an athletic person until recently.   2. I am a cat person. And I’ve never owned a dog. I’ve had a cat almost my entire…

  • Food,  Races,  Running

    Impulse Obstacle Course

    So, I just signed up for the Warrior Dash on a whim. I had been thinking about it for a while, but the expensive price of registration has been putting me off (and maybe the scary obstacles?) until today. A couple of my friends are doing it so I signed up for it on an impulse. Hey, an obstacle course race is one of my “bucket list” items, so why not do it and get it over with? 😉 The Warrior Dash is described as: “the ultimate event for thrill-seeking athletes. This running series is held on some of the nation’s most demanding and unique terrain. Participants will conquer extreme…

  • Fitness,  Recipes,  Running

    Grilled Zucchini and Green Pepper Sandwich

    Good evening everyone. I just made the most delicious and satisfying dinner! I can’t wait to tell you guys about it, but I’m going to tell you about my breakfast first. This morning I tried something new with my old smoothie routine. I added OATS to my smoothie! Some of you may be asking WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT? Well, the answer is because it makes the smoothie thicker, and keeps you full for longer! This is the truth! I have a problem with my breakfasts holding me over until lunch (they usually don’t, no matter what I eat), and this trick actually worked! I was full until…

  • Blogger Meet-Up

    Muddy Cup Meet-Up

    Good morning bloggies. Last night I met up with a few of the ladies from the CDNY Eat Drink Blog community at Muddy Cup in Schenectady. Heather, Rebecca, Lauren, Cynthia and I met up for a night of blog discussion! Julie even participated through gchat with Heather! (I love technology.) We talked about a lot of things, like goals for our blogs, resources for blog improvement, etc. I learn so much from these girls every time I meet up. I’m going to start making a list of goals for my blog and start working on ways to improve it. We had our own little quiet area for discussion and blogging…

  • Blogger Meet-Up,  Food

    Smoothie Sunday

    Sunday was sort of a relaxing day. Eventually I motivated myself to get out the door and go for a run. I had originally wanted to do a long run, but once I got outside that thought quickly diminished. It wasn’t too sunny outside, but the humidity was unbearable. I struggled through four miles with some walking breaks, and it took me 42 minutes. I ran on my road, which is mostly just a highway that runs through the country, complete with grassy fields…and for some reason I could feel myself breathing in the pollen, which is one of the reasons my run was so uncomfortable. After my run, I…