
Ten Random Facts

Courtney tagged me in one of her posts to write ten random facts about myself, so I spent some time thinking about it, and here they are!

1. I never played sports in High School.
In fact, I wasn’t athletic at all. I remember being forced to run “the mile” in gym glass and could barely do it. I was always in the back of the pack and came in almost dead last. The only thing I could kind of play was badminton. I never considered myself an athletic person until recently.
2. I am a cat person.
And I’ve never owned a dog. I’ve had a cat almost my entire life (except a period of one year after my 14 year old kitty died in 2007). When I was born my parents had a cat named Whiskers, who “ran away” when I was 8, and then we got a kitten named Marble. We had her until she died at 14, in 2007.
A year later, I rescued Cedric, a tuxedo cat, from under my parent’s shed where he was born to a feral cat. He’s two and a complete riot. He’s the craziest cat I’ve ever had. And maybe the smartest!
3. I love riding horses
I took horseback riding lesson when I was 7 until about 14. I LOVED it. I rode western-style, and every year participated in a competition. I think I came in second place for the “key hole” competition one year. I still like to go horseback riding every now and then in the Adirondacks, but don’t get to do it as often as I would like. I have never rode English style.
4. I have a slight obsession with Harry Potter
I started reading the Harry Potter books in 11th grade, and since then I’ve been obsessed. I’ve gone to see movies 3-6 at midnight in the theater, and I’ve waited in line at midnight for books 5-7. I plan on going to see “Deathly Hallows Part 1” in the theater at midnight too. I’ve read each book more than two times at least.
5. One of my favorite bands is the Dave Matthews Band
I used to dislike DMB in highschool, but in college as my music tastes changed, I discovered that I loved DMB. I saw them live for the first time at SPAC in 2005, and since then I’ve been hooked. I’ve seen them every summer since then, sometimes twice a summer, a total of ten times! I have a page set up on AntsMarching.org of my tour stats. You can view them here.
6. I used to play the Clarinet
I started playing the clarinet in middle school band in the 6th grade and played all throughout high school. I even played in the All County band competition a few years. I really enjoyed playing and sometimes I miss it. I haven’t picked it up since my freshman year of college.
7. I know how to knit
I learned to knit in 2008 and have made myself a bunch of hats and scarves, but for some reason I only get the knitting bug in the fall. I love the feel of the needles in between my fingers and the fact that I can create a garment out of two pieces of wood, some yarn and my own two hands!
a hat that I made
a scarf that I made
8. I make jewelry
I learned how to make jewelry in 2008!  I’ve made jewelry for myself, and also sell some of my creations. I had a booth at Art On Lark in 2009, where I sold a lot of it. I’ve also made bridal jewelry for a couple of my friends who got married last year!
9. My two favorite foods are pizza and pancakes.
I’ve loved pizza since I can remember–but I’ve only recently started making my own! I love making it with whole wheat crust, 2% cheese, and tons of VEGGIES! I could eat pizza every day for the rest of my life! I also love PANCAKES. I could also eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My favorite is banana chocolate chip, but I also love blueberry and strawberry. I top my pancakes with jam and blueberry sauce instead of maple syrup. I dream of pancakes. 🙂
10. I’ve never lived anywhere else besides Albany, New York.
I was born in Albany, and lived 25 minutes outside of Albany until I was 18, where I then went to college in Albany. I lived there for 5 years, and then I moved back to living 25 minutes away, and I now work in Albany…so I’ve never really ever left. I have hopes to live somewhere else, ANYWHERE else, actually, because I feel like I need to experience living in another bigger, better place. I have a love/hate relationship with this city. It has some nice aspects if you know where to look, but it also has a lot of downsides and major room for improvement. I feel Albany has a lot of potential to be a great city, but fails in a lot of places.
Now, it is my turn to tag five other people, and my choices are:
1. Katie @ Legally Fit
2. Heather @ Then Heather Said
3. Amy @ Vitamin Amy
4. Sarah @ Path to Succeed
Have fun, ladies! 🙂
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