
  • Fitness,  Hiking,  Travel

    Celebrate the Earth

    Yesterday, Chris and I headed to 1.5 hours south of Albany to Ulster County to visit the town of Woodstock for the weekend! Since Friday was supposed to be the nicer day, we decided to do a hike that afternoon. Hiking seemed like a really great way to spend Earth Day! Even though it was little bit cold, the hike up Overlook Mountain got me working up a sweat. The hike is 4.0 miles round trip. There is another trail that is 8.0 miles up, but we took the shorter route. This is the third time I’ve hiked this trail. Its short but still gives you quite the workout! I…

  • Fitness,  Food,  Race Re-Cap,  Races,  Running

    Delmar Dash

    Its finally Springtime in Albany!!! This morning was gorgeous! Perfect weather for the Delmar Dash! Heather, Chris and I went to Delmar this morning to run the 5.0 mile Race. The Fuel: Van’s organic waffles with TJ’s peanut butter, maple syrup and granola. Yum! The Course: 5.0 miles through residential Delmar. The company: Heather and my boyfriend Chris! Heather did amazing! The Delmar Dash was her longest race to date and she ROCKED IT! Go woman! This is the 7th race Chris and I have ran together! The Results: 5.0 miles in 43 minutes and 53 seconds! An average pace of 8:41/mile for 5.0 whole miles!!! I was shocked with…

  • Blogger Meet-Up,  Fitness,  Food,  Running,  Training

    A Hard 10 Miler

    Can I just say how tired I am of wearing my winter running gear?? I want Spring, now! And yes, I’m going to keep complaining until it reaches 50 degrees. I had 10 miles on the agenda for today–so 10 miles it was. I fueled with pumpkin pancakes left over from brunch yesterday! More about the brunch later. I’ve decided pancakes make the best running fuel! Two hours after breakfast I finally made it outside. I wanted to wait for it to get a little warmer, but I didn’t think it would. It wasn’t even 30 degrees when I left my house. I ran my usual route. At mile 1.0…

  • Cooking,  Fitness,  Running,  Training

    Scenes from a Long Run

    This morning was really gloomy as Chris and I started our run out on the Corning Trail. We got there early and started running. I wanted to get it over with early because I wanted the rest of my Saturday to relax! 9.0 miles seemed pretty daunting on a trail that seems never ending. But its nothing I haven’t done before. It was actually my longest run since the Stockade-athon in November. And today it was a bit colder. I was wishing for warmer weather this morning, or at least, some sun. But we didn’t get either. Chris started with me and we ran the first 5.0 miles together. We…

  • Blogger Meet-Up,  Events,  Fitness,  Food,  Running,  Training

    Two Brownies are Better Than One

    Yoga and Running are two my favorite things–but when done consecutively are pretty tiring! I am exhausted today! I fueled for my activities with pumpkin pancakes! Its now March, but I’m still eating pumpkin pancakes! 🙂 Trader Joe’s pumpkin pancakes mix with the toppings: sweet cherry butter almond butter pecans Today I got up bright and early and headed to yoga class at the Pilates Principal. I bought the Groupon in January and I’m went to my third class there this morning! The Saturday morning class here has been my favorite yoga class so far–its so fun and the teacher is so helpful. She complimented me on my poses today!…