
  • Fitness,  Product Reviews,  Yoga

    Fitness DVD Review: P90X Yoga

    Thank you everyone for the lovely Blogiversary comments! I’m so glad you are reading and I am so thankful for you all! Sunday evening I was not in the mood to drive to the gym, since I wanted to relax at home and get some housework done. I knew I wanted to get in a quality workout, so I decided to try out P90X Yoga for the first time! I have to admit, anything with P90X in front of it scares me a little bit since those workouts seem so intense, but I was excited to try out the yoga DVD. (FYI: I was not paid by the company to…

  • Fitness,  Food,  Restaurant Reviews,  Running,  Training,  Yoga

    A Run by the Hudson

    Good morning! Boy, I had a busy weekend and I finally have some time to relax! I started my weekend off the right way on Friday after work with TGIF Yoga, a Friday evening class at Heartspace Yoga Studio. I had a pretty stressful week, so a good yoga class was just what I needed. The class was great, but not too challenging. I left feeling really stretched and my shoulders are still a bit sore! During class the instructor pointed out that I really hyper-extend myself during poses, which I never realized I did, so I really have to work on that next time. Yoga on Friday night was…

  • Cooking,  Fitness,  Recipes,  Running

    Kale and Walnut Quinoa

    Catching up from the weekend? Saturday I went to the 2nd Annual Mac & Cheese Bowl Sunday I ran the freezing Mohawk Hudson River Winter Marathon Relay! Happy Monday! Today I am enjoying my day off for President’s Day. Actually, I have to spend most of the day studying for my first Nutrition exam! How fun! Last night I was so sore and tired from the Marathon Relay I felt like I had just climbed a mountain in sub degree temperatures! It is really strange how your body adapts to certain conditions. Yesterday’s weather was not my ideal running conditions, but I pushed through it! It was actually the first…

  • Cooking,  Fitness,  Food,  Recipes,  Running,  Running Gear,  Running Shoes

    Three Things Thursday

    1. Tuesday night Chris and I experimented in the kitchen and made Lentil Almond Burgers. It was extremely messy and lentils flew all over the place! I also realized my mini food processor is too small to make the whole batch of burgers at once, so we had to process the vegetables first, followed by the lentils. We then had to mix each together in a big bowl and then form them into patties (we made six total–leftovers!)  They still came out pretty good! They had really good flavor, but were a bit crumbly.  Nothing ketchup can’t solve! Any tips on how to get them to be more moist? Tuesday’s…

  • Fitness,  Running,  Travel

    A Seashell Cake

    Today I am baking a cake. Its a simple white cake from a box mix, but the neat thing: its shaped like a seashell! Only in Florida… This morning I woke up pretty early so I went out for a foggy two mile easy run. The weather forecast this morning said beware of the fog while driving and allow an extra 20 minutes for the commute. This is their worst weather driving condition down here? 😉 I could get used to that. My run was okay, but for some reason my whole body felt misaligned. Maybe it just takes me a while to get back into the groove since I…