Beer,  Food,  marathon,  Running

Marathon Training: What I’ve Been Eating

To be honest, I wasn’t sure how well I’d be eating during marathon training. In an ideal world, I’d be eating clean most of the time…but we all know I have a thing for sweets. Thankfully I haven’t gone completely overboard with the bad food and the mentality of “I’m running so much I can eat whatever I want!” I have been eating pretty healthy during the week with some chocolate thrown in for some good measure.

post 19-miler pumpkin froyo for the win


I try to eat a healthy dinner the night before my long runs. For example, Friday night I ate roasted potatoes from our CSA, some harvest grains stuffed acorn squash and a slice of carrot cake from the Spectrum Theater (AKA my favorite carrot cake ever). I make sure to eat some bland starchy foods the night before running, like potatoes. Also, whole grains like quinoa. One night I even made myself some chocolate chip pancakes (best idea ever!) and sometimes I even have a beer! It is pumpkin beer season, after all. I try to avoid massive amounts of dairy (cheese, ice cream, etc.), beans and too much leafy vegetables.

One of my weeknight dinners: harvest grains, roasted beets, bok choy and root vegetable “fries”

For breakfast I eat the same thing, a bowl of Barbara’s Puffins and Trader Joe’s granola with almond milk. Simple, tasty and keeps me full for most of my run!


Fueling during long runs is so important. I realized this on my 18 miler when I didn’t eat enough for dinner the night before and struggled through most of 18 miles. Lately I’ve been eating a Honey Stinger Waffle (the most amazing thing ever) at mile 9.5ish of my long runs, which gives me about 130 calories and actually curbs hunger,which Gus don’t really do. Then at mile 15 I force myself to choke down a Gu (Gu is the last thing I feel like eating during runs lately…gag) but since I don’t have many waffles and I have a stock of Gus I’m making myself eat them.I need to make sure to get some more Waffles to bring with me for the marathon!



Fall is best for marathon training

Since I’m eating pretty healthy during the week, after running I sometimes indulge. Usually right after my long run my stomach feels weird. I try to drink some Gatorade to replenish my electrolytes and some Cheribundi, to help with muscle soreness. I usually eat a Greek yogurt for protein. Sometimes, a protein shake. It all depends on what I have on hand. Lunch depends on what we’re doing that day–if we go out or stay at home. If we stay at home I’ll make something easy because usually I don’t feel like moving from the couch. Maybe pancakes or eggs. Something brunch-esque. 🙂

There you have it–nothing special or radically different than how I usually eat!

Do you have any go-to foods for marathon training?

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