Food,  Movies

Who is Salt?

Thank goodness it is finally Friday. Hurray! I’ve had such a busy week that I haven’t had any time to post. But let’s get to it!

Last night I went to a special premiere at the Palace Theater of the new movie “Salt” featuring Angelina Jolie. I got free tickets a few weeks ago. Why was there a special advanced screening of this movie, you ask? Well, part of this movie was filmed in downtown Albany! There is a five minute chase sequence that they filmed here in the Spring of ’09, and it caused quite a stir around the downtown area, with all of the street closures, etc. They filmed a majority of the scenes with Angelina’s stunt double right outside of my Office, and a couple of the real actors actually showed up for a few days of filming. It definitely made work more interesting. 🙂 And it was really exciting, since no big budget movies have ever been filmed here (that I know of, anyway). So, free tickets were given out for an special premiere, and I scored four of them!

The movie was pretty entertaining. I’m actually not a huge fan of “Spy” movies, or even Angelina for that matter, but it held my interest the whole time, and there was a lot of action, which was a plus. It was better than I expected! The Albany chase scene (which was supposed to take place in D.C.), lasted about 5 minutes, and there were lots of shots of 787, with some of the Albany buildings clear in the background. The audience actually cheered every time Albany was shown, which was kind of cool. For the first time in a while I actually felt proud of my Capital City. 🙂

Okay, now enough of the movie talk, let’s get to today’s eats.

Breakfast this morning was a whole wheat bagel thin with maple peanut butter, but I could not get a decent photo of my breakfast, so you can just use your imagination. I also made a banana protein smoothie, and have no photo of that either. But, my smoothie contained: 1 cup of almond breeze, 1 banana, 1/2 scoop of chocolate rice protein, 1/2 tsp of maca powder, and some ice cubes.

My morning snack included sweet cherries and a strawberry Chobani. Healthy right?

But then second snack included a piece of chocolate cake. I’ll admit, I shouldn’t have eaten the cake, but lately it has been so difficult for me to resist this type of thing. Honestly, I don’t eat cake all the time, so I don’t think it can really be that bad. But then I think about how I had cheesecake on Tuesday and some treats from Bella Napoli yesterday, and start to worry, will these things start to add up? I can’t help but feel guilty almost every time. Does anyone else out there who has lost a significant amount of weight have these thoughts? How do you deal with these guilt feelings? Or do my workouts allow me these indulgences once in a while? Where do you draw the line?

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  • Sam Henrikson

    I feel the same exact way whenever I eat badly. I get worried. I’d say, don’t beat yourself up over eating it. Just work out a little extra and keep an eye on the scale. If its going up in a direction you don’t like, you know what you need to do to cut back. You look great and I love the blog!

  • Katie H.

    I’m looking forward to seeing Salt! One of my friends emailed me a photo of one of the cop actors while they were shooting here- holy hotness! 😀

    As for treats… I haven’t had to lose a significant amount of weight and never used to watch what I ate until I graduated from school. Now that I eat better and live more healthily, I catch myself feeling guilty if I “indulge” too much. I never used to feel this way and I don’t like it! I just try to listen to my body, I guess.

  • Rosey Rebecca

    Jen- I used to feel guilty about these sorts of things, too. But what you have to realize is that one piece of cake isn’t going to do anything. As long as you’re eating clean 90% of the time, 10% isn’t going to ruin all of your hard work.

    I love dessert. I will never stop eating it. If I’m feeling extra gross after eating something that I know is packed with calories and sugar, I just do a great workout. Works every time!

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