Food,  Yoga

Detox Day 1

I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted to begin a detox for the new year! I came across one that sounded like it was actually do-able in my sister’s cookbook,  Cooking with Trader Joe’s: Skinny Dish.

Some of basic rules are outlined as follows:

  • Consume only liquids (green juices, non diary smoothies, herbal tea, water) and raw fruits & veggies until noon every day.
  • Drink LOTS of water throughout the day.
  • Eat lots of raw fruits & veggies, allow raw nuts and seeds (1/2 cup every day) and cooked whole grains (2 cups total).
  • Avoid gluten (wheat, barley & rye) completely.
  • Include a daily multivitamin
  • Avoid all dairy products, meats, fish, sugar, gluten, alcohol & caffeine

According to the cookbook, this detox is a great way to cleanse your system of all the unwanted toxins in the body, such as pesticides, hormones and food additives.

I began yesterday morning and here’s what I ate.


Carrot Orange Cucumber Shake, recipe from Cooking with Trader Joe’s.

The smoothie was easy enough to make, but tasted horrible. I hate cucumbers and I forced myself to eat them in this smoothie. They aren’t really that noticeable but I could tell they were in there. I pretty much had to gag this smoothie down. There was about a cup leftover which I saved for today’s breakfast.

Morning Snack

A bowl of grapes, more water, and a cup of chamomile tea.


After my snack I headed to a 1 hour yoga class and felt great the whole time!

I was pretty hungry after yoga, and I also had to do some grocery shopping to get more food for the detox, so I picked out a few Larabars, which are made from 100% whole food, and ate one on the way home. I’m not sure if they are detox friendly but I’m going to add them to my list of OK foods! 😉


Large salad with greens, chickpeas, carrots, peppers, and dressing. I’m not sure if my dressing was detox friendly, but it is dairy and gluten free so I’m going with yes. I also had some home made hummus that I made earlier in the week (recipe from the cookbook also) with some peppers.

I also bought a large container of cashews and some almonds at the grocery store so I snacked on them after lunch.

Afternoon Snacks

Large bowl of grapes with handful of cashews

1 apple with almond butter


Veggie Pupusas. I’ve been looking forward to making this dinner for days! This recipe is also from the cookbook. The pupusas are two corn tortillas filled with hummus & re-fried beans, spinach and salsa.

I had 2 and they were delicious and filling! I’m actually going to make them again for dinner tonight for myself & Chris.



Day 1 Observations

Overall I think this detox is going to be pretty easy for me. Although, I haven’t gone for seven days without chocolate for a long time! So I’ll have to see in a few days. I hope this curbs my chocolate & sugar addiction because its been something I’ve been struggling with for a while! I didn’t feel too hungry at all yesterday and when I did, I ate some fruit or nuts and it kept my hungry under control.

Have you ever done any sort of detox? If so, what did you think?

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  • Stephanie

    I have no problem with wanting to eat more wholesome foods. However, the claims that a detox will “cleanse” your body of pesticides, hormones and food additives is a bunch of pseudoscience.

    • Jen

      well, it prevents you from consuming processed foods which have a lot of crap in them…I guess it will only be pesticide free if you eat strictly organic fruits & veggies, which I’m not…

  • Ashley @ Freckles & Spice

    I really want to a detox of sorts too. I didn’t do too bad with the holiday season just a couple days right around xmas there was more meat and cookies involved than I would normally like.
    Also, I looove pupusas! This version looks great. Glad to a detox friendly version.
    And that picture of you and Chris running together is really cute. It is awesome that you get to share that together!
    Ashley @ Freckles & Spice recently posted..Running into 2012

  • Katie K.

    Wow, impressive! That would be hard for me… especially at breakfast time (time of day I’m most hungry). What other suggestions do you have for breakfast if you’re following this detox?

    • Jen

      They gave a sample menu for all seven days so I’m trying to follow what they give me..mostly smoothies and/or juices. since I don’t have a juicer I’m going to be eating lots of smoothies. My next one will probably be a form of my banana protein smoothie that I usually eat regularly anyway and since I make it with almond milk its dairy free! Not eating my favorite cereal for a week will be SO hard!

  • Moe

    I tried a detox of no wheat, sugar, caffeine and vinegar last year. I think it was too extreme and my body reacted horribly! I think yours sounds great! Mine was horrible. Do you know how hard it is to not use vinegar? Everything has it in it! :p

  • Kristin

    I love all of these ideas but I think I’d have trouble with the fish part of it. Aaaand, maybe the sugar part seeing that I caved on Day 5 of my Christmas cookie detox and ate 5 cookies to make up for lost time. 🙂

    My problem is staying full so I could see how this type of detox could help out in that department. I always resort to snacking, especially at work.
    Kristin recently posted..Baby, it’s cold outside

    • Jen

      I figured that because I only eat fish maybe 3x a month,if that, I wouldn’t be too bad. my biggest part was the bread and dairy since I LOVE my daily greek yogurt and sandwiches. Its only a week, so hopefully I can survive!

  • Sam

    I started a shorter term detox but found I was very bloated and comfortable. :/

    Also not having dairy is hard for me but I’m trying to fill up on more whole foods and focused on planted based food to help me.

  • Melissa

    Wow! I don’t know if I could do this but it sounds like it would be a great thing to try. I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you.

  • Diane Unni

    Jen… daughter and I have started to drnk a green smoothie with our lunch…..1/2 apple, 1/2 bannana, fresh pineapple, 12 oz. water and lots of fresh kale!
    DELISH!!!! its really good….we do have a vita-mix, so every thing gets really pulverised!

  • Jennifer K. Reilly, RD

    Hey Jen! It’s the author of Skinny Dish here. My publisher found you and I’m totally stoked! I’m about to lead an online 7-day SKINNY DISH Detox starting on Monday (Jan 9) through my blog ( I can’t wait to link my readers to your site! Everyone’s detox experience is different, and I love that you’re documenting your experience.

    So sorry about the cucumber shake — i happen to adore it, but I also happen to adore cucumbers. Go for the Shamrock Smoothie next time–It’s a total treat!

    Keep up the awesome work and Cheers to a happy, healthy New Year!


    PS: A dark chocolate square or two after dinner is fine on the detox if you’re doing all 7 days 🙂

    • Jen

      Thanks for commenting! I’m a huge fan of the cookbook! (Even though we don’t have a trader joe’s…I still love the recipes!) 🙂 They are so easily and healthy–thanks!

  • Jennifer S

    Another Jen here….I ordered this cookbook from Amazon and it should be here today. I am interested in the detox starting on Jan. 9th! Thanks for the info! 🙂

  • marta

    Never tried a detox. not sure if I could give up coffee!! everyone around me would suffer. 🙂 How do you feel now after a few days?

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