
  • Events

    Hellions of Troy Roller Derby

    Okay, here is Part 2 of my Saturday night, in case you all were waiting patiently. 🙂 After dinner at Aperitivo, Chris and I headed to our very first Roller Derby bout! My close friend Marcie is a member of the Hellions of Troy Roller Derby team, and she also blogs about it for the Troy Record. For those of you unfamiliar with the sport of Roller Derby, check out this article, which explains it pretty well. It was pretty easy to follow once we watched them skate around the track a couple times! It is also really hard to photograph moving skaters. I apologize for the blurry pics. Anyway,…

  • Baking,  Events,  Running

    House Warming + Scones

    So last night as I told myself I would, I went to the gym and ran five miles in under 50 minutes on the treadmill. I felt amazing the whole time, and it was such a great feeling to finally have a good run. I always feel so much better after getting a longer run in. When I got home I made a quick dinner of an omelet with spinach, but I didn’t take any pictures because I was in a hurry to get ready to go to housewarming party! The omelet didn’t actually hold me over, so I was starving when I got there. They had standard party food,…