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A Surprise 10 Miler

This morning I actually slept in got up at 8:00am while I waited the temperature to rise a few degrees for my morning long run. I’m trying to make it a habit to keep doing long runs on the weekend to maintain my running endurance this winter.

Once it was a crisp and sunny 27 degrees, I set out for an 8 miler. It actually wasn’t cold at all. I think I figured out my cold weather running clothing situation for the rest of the season. I recently splurged invested in a Lululemon long sleeve pullover and fell in love with it. It keeps me SO warm (and as a bonus its actually flattering).


Today I also wore a running jacket over it, and didn’t overheat at all. It was perfect.

Anyway, the 8 miler turned into a 9 miler, which ultimately ended up being a 10 miler. Go me! I guess the Reisling I drank last night combined with the mac and cheese I had for dinner made good fuel? I think I just got lucky.

I used Sporty Pal to keep track while I ran since I didn’t feel like waiting for my Garmin to load and it seems load the GPS a lot quicker for some reason. The only thing that sucks was that I held it for 10 miles.

Here are my splits and what not, for my own person reference.

Distance – 10.00 mi

Total Time – 01:36:17

Average Pace – 9:36/mile

Average Speed – 6.23 mph

Calories – 1149 kcal

I’m not so secretly trying to keep my endurance up because I’m hoping to run the Hangover Half Marathon on New Years Day. Last year a bunch of fellow bloggers and I ran the Sober Up 3.5 miler on the same day (part of the same race event). It was fun, and I’m going to try to convince them to run it again.


Come 2012 I think I may step it up a notch. I think starting out the new year with a half marathon might be the way to go. Thankfully its day-of registration only and $5.00 to register. It all depends on the weather. 😉

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  • Michelle B.

    Isn’t it awesome when a run ends up being longer than you had planned just because it feels so awesome?
    I also have a question for you. I have been thinking about asking my parents for a Garmin for Christmas (I have been using a Nike+ to keep track of my runs and would like something more accurate) and I noticed you said you didn’t feel like waiting for yours to load. Is that a common problem? How long does it usually take to load?

    Thank you!!

    • Jen

      Yes, Garmin Forerunners are awesome and if you are a serious runner I think they are totally worth it. Usually I never have a problem with loading time except when I run around my “neighborhood ” since I live in a city and there are buildings right nearby that get in the way of the satellites. Usually when I bring it to the bike path or run somewhere else, i just set it on the hood of my car and let it load and it takes a short amount of time, less than five minutes. Its usually only when I’m wearing it around my wrist letting it load is when it takes forever. I would say unless you live in a huge city like NYC it might have problems loading, because I’ve read that before. But if not I think you will be fine.

    • Heather

      Just wanted to chime in here that I waited a while before getting a Garmin, and once I did, it reall y stepped up my running. And I agree that the GPS loading in a city does take a few minutes, but I have found that if I turn it on and leave it in the window sill of my kitchen as I put on my shoes or finish gettnig ready, that it is ready to go down the stairs and out the door without losing connection. If I am at work, I set it just outside the office door and get my IPod and such situated as it loads. It rarely ever takes more than 2-3 minutes to load.
      Heather recently posted..Simply Saturday

      • Michelle B.

        Wow, thanks for all the info! I am kind of new to reading healthy living blogs and I can’t believe how much I learn from them… and the comments!

        Now I am researching and basically drooling over Garmins on Amazon right now.

        The only thing I’m hesitant about is the fact that I like to look somewhere and see my TOTAL milage, including treadmill runs. Is there a way to manually enter in treadmill runs with it or the software?

  • Kristin

    It’s an amazing feeling when your body is so in sync that you just want to keep running. I had the same experience yesterday. Although I previously mapped out my course I felt great the entire time! On another note, your Lululemon top looks so comfy!

    Good luck if you do the Hangover Half – not sure I can mentally cope with running around UAlbany and the state office campus for that long. Are you doing Winter Series #1?

    • Jen

      I’m going to try my best to just not think about how boring and ugly the course is and just try to have fun! haha. it will be a mental test that’s for sure. I can’t do the #1–I have to work next Sunday. Boo!

      PS I am in love with that top. $$ well spent, and I want to live in it. LOL.

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