• Cooking,  Food

    Teaching a Boy to Cook

    The other day over brunch Chris and I had a pretty good discussion about cooking. Chris said he likes to cook, but at times feels like its too much of a hassle to gather ingredients, follow a recipe and make something. He would much rather just throw something together quick and be done. (His cooking philosophy is pretty much explained in THIS.) Now, I am no expert on cooking, but I gave him a few pointers on how to cook something which would be easy and also could be used as leftovers for the next few days, minimizing his time spent in the kitchen (and the waste of ingredients!) So,…

  • Food

    My Dessert Philosophy

    Thanksgiving has come and gone. And Christmas is looming–this means what? Holiday desserts galore. What’s a foodie who loves desserts to do when she’s trying to watch the calories? This love of desserts got me in trouble growing up, and because of my love of them, I was overweight. But now I have that (mostly) under control, with healthy eating and exercise. I’m at a healthy weight, and I’m happy with how far I’ve come, even though I may struggle the rest of my life. But I don’t ever deprive myself of the foods I love the most. I eat them in moderation. I allow myself one cookie after dinner,…

  • Fitness,  Running,  Tips

    Getting Motivated!

    Throughout my weight-loss journey, many people have asked me how I get and stay motivated to exercise. It wasn’t so easy for me at first, but now exercising has just become part of my daily routine! I probably work out 5-6 times  a week, even if it’s just going for a short walk to get myself moving. I definitely start to get crabby if I don’t get enough exercise during the week! Think about the results. I know it can be hard to get yourself up and moving, but the reward will be fantastic! You’ll feel better about yourself and you’re burning calories in the process. As long as you’re…