
My Dessert Philosophy

Thanksgiving has come and gone. And Christmas is looming–this means what? Holiday desserts galore. What’s a foodie who loves desserts to do when she’s trying to watch the calories?

This love of desserts got me in trouble growing up, and because of my love of them, I was overweight.

But now I have that (mostly) under control, with healthy eating and exercise. I’m at a healthy weight, and I’m happy with how far I’ve come, even though I may struggle the rest of my life.

But I don’t ever deprive myself of the foods I love the most. I eat them in moderation.

I allow myself one cookie after dinner, rather than three. And I know just because of that one cookie, my healthy eating has not been sabotaged.

And on occassion, I allow myself a slice of cheesecake that I share with my boyfriend (or not share) after dinner out. Because sometimes, I deserve it! I will happily order a salad for dinner if it means I get to partake in dessert. 🙂

But I know sometimes I do fall back into old habits, and when I do, I admit it and I get back on track. Because I know I don’t want to end up where I used to be.

But there are some things I rely on when I’m faced with tons of cakes and cookies and I get a bit overwhelmed.

  • The desserts aren’t going anywhere. There is no need to stuff my face with every cookie in sight
  • I pick a few cookies that are my favorite (sugar cookies, chocolate chips, anything with coconut or mint) and skip the ones I could do without
  • Try some things I haven’t tried before and pass up the things I could have on a daily basis
  • Only eat one of each of the favorites. I recently saw a comment on a friends blog about something similar which said “the second slice of pie won’t taste any different than the first.” SO TRUE.
  • If I DO want to indulge more than normal, I will have to pay the price–which means, I will work out harder the day before and day after, which also means eating lighter the following day.

This being said, this holiday season, I plan on eating dessert during the celebrations. I won’t go overboard, but I will have a slice of pie, and maybe even some cookies. And I know that I can just get right back on board again afterward. After all, the holidays are for celebrating. And what better way to celebrate with family than with delicious food?

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  • Julie @ Honey B.

    Wow there is NOTHING about that cupcake that says moderation! Some cupcake places are insane! Good for you for enjoying treats. (I’m assuming that entire cupcake was not eaten but no judgement if it was!) 🙂

  • Julie

    eEk! Your post is making me hungry… 🙂 I have a hard time turning down goodies that well-meaning friends, family or coworkers have made. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but there’s only so much i can eat!

  • April

    You must be having a lot of success with losing the extra weight with all the pizza and dessert you are consuming. Just for your information if you are eating pizza for dinner (even with a whole wheat crust) and cupcakes and cheesecake for desert, you will have to be running a marathon everyday to keep off the weight.

    That the first piece of pie won’t taste any different from the second, the saying that I have heard (which will bring you more success) is that the first bite tastes the best. Live it learn it love it!!!!

    So plenty of judgement here.

    If you ever want any REAL help that your so called “friends” are not willing to give let me know. Your friends all seem to be naturally thin or overweight. Neither are a friend of a person who is trying to maintain which is going to be a constant struggle.

    • Courtney @ Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life

      April, the last time I checked, going to enjoy pizza with Jen does not make me a bad friend. The only person that can be held accountable is Jen anyways, which she does a perfectly good job of all on her own. Nobody is forcing food down anyone’s throat here…ease up a little, please.

    • Katie H.

      April, since you are the apparently the expert and never wrong, please justify your logic. One needs to run a marathon because they ate pizza and a cupcake in order to keep weight off? Um. Considering that the average 145 pound female burns close to 3000 calories running a marathon, which doesn’t include the 1800 calories one typically burns just existing, I beg to differ. Perhaps that would be the case if one were to eat an entire pizza and half a dozen cupcakes. Anyway. Your logic fails, sorry.

      This does take the cake for the most ridiculous comment ever though- “naturally thin” and “overweight” people cannot be friends with people that are trying to maintain their weight? Get a grip.

  • Chelle

    Wow, you’re pretty gross April. I’m pretty sure Jen doesn’t need “friends” like you either. Pettiness ain’t pretty, and you seem to be full of it. Jealous much?

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