• Events,  Holidays,  Race Re-Cap,  Races,  Running

    Thanksgiving 2011 – Turkey Trot and a Feast

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 🙂 Yesterday my Thanksgiving started out pretty good. Chris and I ran in the Troy Turkey Trot, Troy’s local thanksgiving 5K. I ran this race once two years ago and it was my second ever 5K. Good memories. 🙂 It was a little bit chilly at first yesterday but after a one mile warm up around Troy, we were ready to run.     A lot of people were dressed up in costumes, including a bunch of guys dressed up at Christmas presents. It was a pretty cute idea…I have no idea how they ran in those for 3.1 miles. The race started out…

  • Baking,  Food,  Product Reviews

    What I’m Thankful For

    I decided to take a vacation day today so I could relax and get some baking and cooking done before Thanksgiving! One of my goodies is a batch of pumpkin blondies . 🙂 They were super easy to make! (But the recipe called them chocolate brownies. I disagree since they aren’t very chocolately and they are not chocolate in color, so I’m calling them blondies!) Also, as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program, I was sent some coupons for free Duncan Hines products for review. (As always, the product was free but the opinions are my own.) I couldn’t say no to that. I happened to pick up the chocolate…