• Food,  Running,  Training,  Yoga

    Happy National Running Day!

    Today was gorgeous day! I love it! Too bad I was stuck inside at work all day. 🙁 AND today is National Running Day! Woohoo! According to my training plan I was supposed to run an easy three miles yesterday, but I increased it to five on the treadmill at the gym. I ran an easy five miles at an average of 10:42 minute pace. It took me about 52 minutes. It was actually pretty nice! I like taking a break from the roads once in a while, as the treadmill seems easier on my legs. I felt really great after the run too, and I hadn’t planned on running…

  • Baking,  Food,  Restaurant Reviews,  Wine,  Yoga

    Adventures in the Kitchen

    Happy Memorial Day!!! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! My friend Melissa and I were in need of some gelato last night so we took a trip to Crisan. I got one scoop of oreo gelato and one mini chocolate covered strawberry. Yum. I had a very low key day today. I started out with about 20 minutes of yoga. And since it was so nice out,  I had really wanted to go for a nice bike ride, but my bike was locked in the shed and I didn’t have the key, so I could not go. 🙁 I opted for a short 2 mile run instead. It was…

  • Boilermaker,  Food,  Restaurant Reviews,  Training,  Wine

    A Sangria Type of Evening

    Yesterday started out pretty basic. I made a green monster! But instead it looked more like a brown monster with flecks of green. I actually liked it this time! The past couple times I’ve made these tasted pretty bad. In my GM went: 1 cup of spinach 1/2 cup of light soy milk 3 frozen strawberries and 2 slices of frozen papayas 1 extremely ripe banana 1 tsp of almond butter It was refreshing. I also have some frozen cherries so I’m dying to try a chocolate cherry bomb! I also had an English muffin with Maple Peanut butter. Lunch was pretty standard. I had some smashed chickpea salad on…

  • Food,  Running

    Surprise Bridal Shower Success

    It’s almost the weekend! Yay! Yesterday at work we celebrated because one of my co-workers is getting married next month! She and her fiance are going to Red Rock Canyon to tie the knot! We threw her a surprise bridal shower! Complete with cake of course! The cake came from Walmart and they did an amazing job! Walmart has been impressing me lately. It didn’t taste too bad either! I ate a piece of chocolate cake with a frosting flower, and it was really sweet. But I like frosting, so thats okay with me. I also had some strawberry frozen yogurt with m&ms earlier in the day. I walked up…

  • Books,  Food,  Running,  Training

    Why I Run

    Wow, it is HOT today. And I went for an easy 3 mile run today at lunch time. Am I nuts? I think so. I didn’t really feel the heat until the last mile or so, so it wasn’t too bad. Caitlin wrote a really good post about running in hot weather that I found really helpful! Check it out. I’m a huge fan of her blog, it’s really inspiring! So, am I really crazy for running in hot weather? I don’t think so. I actually don’t mind being hot, because I’m cold a lot. I work in a cold office all day, so being warm doesn’t bother me too…