
Jen’s Pantry Staples

Okay, so, today I’m going to give you a list of some of favorite grocery items that I make sure I always have in the pantry. If I ever run out of these things it will almost be the end of the world. Almost…

Here we go, in no particular order:

Dates, pitted & chopped

(source & source)

I love dates. They are sweet and healthy, and are a great source of FIBER! I usually eat 2-3 dates before my early workouts at the gym or when I need to run to the gym straight after work. They seem to hold me over pretty well before dinnertime. I’m also a huge fan of chopped dates. I throw them into baked goods instead of chocolate chips and it gives cookies or muffins a sweet and chewyness that I love.

Chia seeds


I can’t believe a year ago I had no idea what chia seeds were! Chia seeds are a teeny tiny seed that when added to liquid turns into a gel. They are high in omega-3s, which is the fat that protects against inflammation. (source). I use them to bake with, on top of cereal, yogurt, and sometimes throw them in my smoothies. The “chia gel” is also a great for hydration! They don’t have much a flavor, though!

Garbanzo or chickpeas, canned


I always keep a can of chickpeas in my pantry! This is because I never buy hummus from the store any more. I always make it myself, and it is SUPER easy. All you need is a food processor and tahini paste and you have home made hummus! Its healthy and really tasty.

Frozen mixed berries


The other day I was craving a smoothie and ran out of frozen berries, the horror! Thankfully I live pretty close to a grocery store where I can pick them up quick if need be. A bag of frozen unsweetened berries lasts me probably about five smoothies. And I never make smoothies without them!

Home made strawberry jam


My aunt makes the BEST strawberry jam. Thankfully she makes it every year and usually gives  me some. I always put it on my waffles or pancakes and it is sooo delicious. Its also amazing for quick PB&J sandwiches when I need something quick!

Well, that’s it for now. I could go on forever. I will probably write about some more of my pantry staples, soon!

What are some food items that you just can’t live without?

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  • Kathy

    My dad keeps frozen mixed berries around as a staple, too. When he cleans out his fridge before going to Florida for the winter, I get any bags of berries that he can’t take with him. He says he puts frozen berries at the bottom of his cereal bowl and that keeps the milk cold. I prefer hot cereal but frozen fruit would be good in that if it’s too hot to eat – I should keep some frozen fruit around too. Thanks for the idea!

  • Heather

    my pantry staples:

    -oats (duh). though I rarely eat oatmeal, I do eat raw oats in my greek yogurt, grind oats to bread tofu and fish, and make one hell of an oatmeal cookie 😉

    -tea. tea. tea. tea. times one billion and seventeen flavors.

    -barbeque sauce. and other flavorful condiments. to put on sandwiches. wraps. burgers. to dip pizza. sweet potatoes. carrots. and potatoes.

    -macaroni and cheese. generic. less than $1 boxes. because they are my ultimate comfort food on days I feel sick. or just home sick. with a spoonful of barbeque sauce, of course.

    Heather recently posted..Changing Goals

  • Vanessa

    I’ve never commented, but read your blog and enjoy it so much! My staples are oats,peanut butter, ice cream, and diet mtn dew. Hey half is pretty healthy and the other two aren’t. All of our food staples don’t have to be good right? :/ I soo wish I could kick the dew habit. 🙁

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