Weight Loss

If It Were Easy…

The other night in body pump class I got overcome with emotion.

Yes, I realize that sounds rather strange. But after realizing where I was, in a fitness class lifting heavy barbells with a bunch of other strong people I just couldn’t believe what I was doing! It was HARD work and I was pushing myself through the repetitions. Our instructor said during the hardest point of class, “If this was easy, everyone would do it”. I couldn’t say it better myself. I felt great after class and I really felt like I had accomplished something.

I repeated the same mantra to myself over and over again last night during a challenging speed/hill workout on the treadmill. I told myself I could not go under 6.2 mph on the treadmill for the remaining 4.0 miles after the 1.0 mile warm up. It was hard and my legs felt tired, but I kept going and kept thinking, “If running was easy, everyone would do it”. Soon my workout was over and I was tired, but felt great for getting it done.

But there’s something even harder than finishing a challenging run or a body pump class–its trying to get back in touch with healthy eating after a weekend of indulging. Its passing on the dessert when everyone else around you is enjoying it. Its sticking with water when all your friends are having a beer. And lately I’ve been having trouble getting back into that routine.

The overweight girl  is gone for now, but not lost forever. Because she comes back when she’s faced with a bowl of M&Ms or a dish of chocolate ice cream. Sure, I believe you can indulge in moderation, but when is moderation too much??

I know I will struggle the rest of my life. This is not easy. If it were easy, nobody would be overweight and half of the country wouldn’t be on some diet or another. And the blog world I’m a part of really focuses on how indulging is HEALTHY, but really it is so easy to go overboard quickly. And this is what I’m struggling with the most. I’ve heard that I have better chance of surving cancer for five+years than maintaining a significant weight loss for that same amount of time. I’m hoping I can prove that theory wrong.

Please tell me I’m not the only one. Because I want that feeling of accomplishment again, not the feeling of regret after eating one too many cookies. But I WILL get back on track, I can promise myself that.

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  • Danielle

    You are incredibly inspiring. <3 Thank you for this post. I'm really struggling at making healthy choices. It's a nice reminder that everyone faces the same difficulties.

  • Katie Kidalowski

    You are not alone Jen. I think you do a pretty amazing job at eating in moderation actually. The difference between you and a good portion of the yo-yo dieters out there (including myself sadly) is that you stick to a regular workout schedule which allows you to indulge more than those of us who are lazy and deprive ourselves of m&ms because of it. You are very inspiring, and I promise you I will get my butt in gear one of these days very soon. The scale is demanding it!! <3

  • Emily

    You are completely not alone Jen! First of all, you’re amazing… I can’t believe the amount of weight you lost on your own. It is definitely hard not to overindulge and finding the balance between moderation and going overboard. One thing I personally have to constantly remind myself is even though a food is healthy, it still has calories! With the exception of fruits and most vegetables, I really have to hold myself accountable for the food I eat because even the healthiest of foods still have fats, carbs, etc. and overindulging in them is going to make me gain weight. If I keep better control of what I’m eating for most of the week, that one weekend day I might get out of control doesn’t effect me as much. My biggest issue has always been portion control, so I force myself to measure out things like nut butters, servings for oatmeal, etc. You will totally get back on track, we all have bad weeks/months, but you have a lot going for you that other people who have lost weight don’t have. You maintain a great workout schedule and you have a blog/blogger friends to support you. Don’t let a few pounds on the scale discourage you, you really have come so far!

    lots of love girl <3
    Emily recently posted..4 years ago today…

  • Heather

    i love you. and this honesty. and the lessons you are learning and reminding yourself of. i am totally stealing the “if it were easy, everyone would do it” mentality today and doing what I know I should/want to to see results: run. stretch. strenght train. work.


    get to my goal weight.
    get prepared for that 15K you talked me into.
    get to be the best of me.

    YOU inspire me. like woah.


  • Sam

    SO NOT ALONE! I have struggled with my weight all my life as well. I have had to constantly get my eating back under control. I have weeks I am not motivated to work out and just want to indulge. Like you said, there wouldn’t be a weight loss industry if most people did not have these same issues. You look awesome!

  • Jen G.

    I’ve just hit my five-year cancer survivor milestone! And, yes, keeping the weight off is just as hard (for me, at least). But if there’s anything cancer taught me, it’s that the work you do for your health is worth it! We all lapse from the good health wagon sometimes, but you’ve already proven that you can shake yourself off and get back on it.

  • Cynthia (It All Changes)

    Thank you so much for being honest about the difficulties but inspiring for moving through them.

    It’s still hard for me and I get frustrated but the difference is we keep moving forward. It’s okay to be down for a bit but to be proud of how far you’ve come and know you’ve done amazing things.

  • erin

    I have kept off weight for now 15 + years and it is a daily struggle. But your recent trip to a snack bar, two trips for the meal and two trips for desert isn’t one for both a indulgence. Food is fuel for your body. Don’t look at overeating as” I only live once”. Think how much better you would have felt if you had eaten at least the proper serving size and as a dieter I am sure you know what that is. Why don’t you fill up your plate with half salad, (without cheese all over it and low cal dressing) than a lean protein, than a few treats. That way you don’t feel deprived and you can enjoy a little too. It’s especially hard when you are dating and going out to eat a lot. But constantly remind yourself of your priorities when eating. How much better I feel when I eat healthy and only indulgence on occasion. Or I think of the great jeans I just bought that I want to keep fitting into rather than have two deserts. What ever motivation works for you. I guess in summary don’t eat mindlessly and have control over food not the other way around. You know what to do, there is no magic bullet.

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