
  • School

    Goodbye Chem 110

    Monday marked my last day of Chemistry class, and also the final exam! What a semester. It flew by. Chemistry was probably one of the hardest classes I’ve taken, including all the undergrad classes I took in college. Math and science just wasn’t my thing (this is why I was a journalism major!) The final went well and I ended up with a B in the course, which is fine by me! Chemistry was one of the pre-requisites for the R.D. Program I have my sights on. I’m taking one class at time, and I have 5 more pre-reqs to go until I can even begin the program. The past…

  • Food,  School

    Three Things Thursday

    1. It is almost the weekend. It is Thursday. this means its one day closer to the Friday. 🙂 I have a low-key weekend planned which may include brunch at my favorite bakery with Chris, along with a half marathon on Sunday where I can finally sleep in my own bed the night before. I am excited! 2. The return of  fall foods. This morning I finally gave in to my pumpkin pie steel-cut oats craving! I haven’t had steel-cut oats in almost a year so Tuesday night I broke out the rice cooker and made some! Yes, you can cook oats in a rice cooker and they came out great! Perfect for…

  • Food,  School,  Tips

    What I Learned in Nutrition – Carbohydrates

    Since I was in the Florida last week, I missed my third nutrition class. However, I did have class this past Monday! Monday we discussed CARBOHYDRATES! My favorite! 🙂  Here is some helpful info if you’ve ever wondered what really makes up carbohydrates. (image source) Carbohydrates or CHO are essential nutrients that make up the foundation of our diets. They are the most desirable source of energy for the body and supply fuel in the form of glucose. There are two forms of Carbohydrates: Simple and Complex. Simple CHOs contain a single unit of sugar and are called monosaccharides and disaccharides. (image source) Complex CHOs are long chains and branches…

  • Food,  Running,  School,  Training

    The Return of Homework

    I hope everyone is having a great week! My week has been pretty hectic. Work is crazy and I’m starting a new class TONIGHT! I’m pretty excited/nervous. I haven’t taken a class in 2.5 years. The return of homework! It will be interesting to work homework into my schedule now!! Back when I was in college, I never had “30 minutes of yoga” or “run 8 miles” on my list of things to do. Now I do! 🙂 Generally, I have pretty good organizational skills, and I’m improving them as time goes by and my life gets busier. Because of my class, I will not be home for dinner, so I…

  • Food,  Running,  School

    Good News!

    Finally some time to sit down get to blogging! 🙂 I hope everyone’s Monday is going well. I have some good news to share with you guys, but let’s get to today’s eats! This morning for breakfast I had my last savvy scone. Sad face! They were seriously, so good. Julie is an amazing baker! A chocolate strawberry protein smoothie accompanied the scone this morning. Lunch was leftover veggies, beans and rice from El Mariachi. Some sweet red cherries. And a Gnu Bar! Gnu Foods sent me a bunch of different flavors of their bars to try out recently. So far I’ve loved the ones I’ve tried. I will write…