Race Re-Cap

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    Bethlehem Turkey Trot 5K + Thanksgiving Dinner

    Happy Thanksgiving! Today marks my 13th (last probably last) race of 2010! And it was the first race I went to completely alone! Not that I minded, but it was weird not having someone there to wait with and chat with and meet at the finish line. Last year I ran the Troy Turkey Trot, and this year I decided to run the first Our Towne Bethlehem Turkey Trot! For one, it is way closer to where I live than Troy, and for two, there are less people running and I had a better a chance of PRing! I woke up early to the sun coming up in my backyard.…

  • Blogger Meet-Up,  Food,  Race Re-Cap,  Races,  Running

    The Stockade-athon 15K

    Another Sunday, another race in the books and another race bib to add the collection! This morning Chris and I got up bright and early to go pick up Heather. Heather was supposed to run the 15K with us, but she fell and got injured a few weeks ago, so she stayed on the sidelines and spectated for us! 🙂 Thanks for the support Heather, you’re amazing! (Heather was also my personal photographer on the course!) Love her awesome sign?? I do! 🙂 Anyway, the race started at 9AM sharp, and it was COLD. We waited around at the start for about 30 minutes and tried to get warm by…

  • Blogger Meet-Up,  Food,  Race Re-Cap,  Races,  Restaurant Reviews,  Running

    Squirrelly Six Mile Trail Race

    Happy Halloween! Today I did one of the most fun things I could think of on Halloween day...run my first trail race!! The Albany Running Exchange puts on this Halloween themed race: The Hairy Gorilla Half Marathon and Squirrelly Six Mile Trail Races at Thacher State Park in Voorheesville. It was AWESOME!!! All of the runners were dressed up, and they had some of the course even decorated for Halloween! There were even live gorillas hiding in the trees… I, of course, was running the six mile, another half marathon is way too soon for me! I also dressed up as a bumble bee. 😉 I got there at about…

  • Food,  Race Re-Cap,  Races,  Running

    Mohawk Hudson River Half Marathon

    The day finally arrived! Today, 10.10.10, was the day I ran my first half marathon! I woke up super early this morning at 5:45AM to eat breakfast, which was two whole grain waffles topped with almond butter and cherry butter. These held me over pretty well. I got dropped off at the start at 7:30AM. Despite the photo, I was FREEZING. It was like 35 degrees this morning, no lie. I had worn an oversized sweatshirt to throw away once I got warmed up, but I took it off for the picture! 😉 After waiting around and freezing my butt off, the race finally started at 8:30AM sharp. And off…

  • Race Re-Cap,  Races,  Running

    I am a Warrior!

    I can say I successfully completed the 2010 Warrior Dash NorthEast today. 🙂 Holy crap, it was incredible, and unlike anything I’ve ever done in my entire life! It is safe to say that this might be one of the craziest days of my life! Chris and I got there at around 11:30, since our wave started at 1:00, and we wanted to have enough time to check it out, and check our bags, and pick up our packets. Thank goodness we did! The Before Photo The race was held at Windham Mountain Ski Resort, so needless to say, the first half of the 3.25 miles was completely UP HILL.…