
  • Books,  Cooking,  Food,  Holidays,  Running

    Christmas Update

    I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday. I know my family and I did! And so did a certain cat! Where’s Cedric’s present? In his stocking of course. Cedric got some treats and a toy lizard for Christmas. Too bad he wanted nothing to do with the catnip lizard. He would rather be playing in luggage set boxes. We had fresh french vanilla coffee and White Christmas Tea while opening presents with my parents! I opted for the tea! (in my new Starbucks mug –thanks Brendan!) Some of my loot: A hand held blender!!!    A headlamp (for nighttime running) and some sweet Smartwool running socks! Post present opening I…

  • Books,  Food,  Running

    A Summery Dinner

    Look what I finally picked up today!! Caitlin‘s book! I’m soooo excited! I love the whole idea behind Operation Beautiful. You can read more about it on the website. I think this book may help me, actually, because I know I’m guilty of “fat talk” every once in a while (what girl isn’t) because I’ve struggled with a negative self-image for most of my life. I’m slowly learning how to ban fat talk, but it is difficult, I will admit.  Anyway, I can’t wait to read the book. 🙂 Since I’m still pretty low on food due to lack of groceries, I had oatmeal this morning. Never a bad thing.…

  • Books,  Running,  Training,  Wine

    Seven Miles on a Country Road

    I hope everyone is having a great Memorial day weekend! Today I am just relaxing, as I have no current plans. AND I’m blogging again today! Go me! So, this morning I had to run seven miles. And I did it! At first I wasn’t sure where I wanted to run, either up and down my country road, drive into town, or go to my high school track. I opted with the country road run! I wanted to save on gas, actually, and it was a beautiful morning, so it seemed like the best idea! I filled up my camelback and got to it. I started out really slow, about…

  • Books,  Food,  Running,  Training

    Why I Run

    Wow, it is HOT today. And I went for an easy 3 mile run today at lunch time. Am I nuts? I think so. I didn’t really feel the heat until the last mile or so, so it wasn’t too bad. Caitlin wrote a really good post about running in hot weather that I found really helpful! Check it out. I’m a huge fan of her blog, it’s really inspiring! So, am I really crazy for running in hot weather? I don’t think so. I actually don’t mind being hot, because I’m cold a lot. I work in a cold office all day, so being warm doesn’t bother me too…