Books,  Food,  Running

A Summery Dinner

Look what I finally picked up today!!

Caitlin‘s book! I’m soooo excited! I love the whole idea behind Operation Beautiful. You can read more about it on the website. I think this book may help me, actually, because I know I’m guilty of “fat talk” every once in a while (what girl isn’t) because I’ve struggled with a negative self-image for most of my life. I’m slowly learning how to ban fat talk, but it is difficult, I will admit.Β  Anyway, I can’t wait to read the book. πŸ™‚

Since I’m still pretty low on food due to lack of groceries, I had oatmeal this morning. Never a bad thing. Sweet Cherry oats! Yummm. In the bowl: 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats, 2 tbsp of oat bran, 1 tbsp of almond butter, 1 tbsp of sweet cherry butter, and some chia gel (1 tbsp of chia seeds set in some water for a couple minutes=chia gel).

Updated: For those of you who don’t know what Chia seeds are: Chia seeds are great–they are a superfood! meaning, they have many nutritional benefits. They soak up water (as you can see in the “gel”) and, keep you hydrated longer, and “retain electrolytes in your bodily fluids.” Great for athletes. They don’t have much a flavor so you can add them to anything and get the benefits. Here’s some info on them:

Pretty filling. πŸ™‚ So I’m going to skip over lunch, since it was kind of boring….I pretty much eat the same thing for lunch every day. Not too interesting. πŸ˜‰

My workout today consisted of a 3.02 mile run, in the heat, around lunchtime. I completed the run in 29 minutes. Hurray! I had set out for 4 miles, but didn’t make it. It was just too hot. πŸ™ Seriously, I’m done with this weather already! I’ve also updated my new half-marathon training plan today! Since my doctor said to cut back on milage, I’m going to be running 16-20 miles a week instead of 20-25. Will it matter that much? I’m not sure. But I start training next Tuesday! Ahhh!

So, when I came home for dinner, my mom had made some tasty salmon. It has been a while since I’ve had any fish, so I figured I would have some, and save myself from cooking anything else. πŸ™‚ A summery dinner!

salmon, local corn and local zucchini!

I also had a slice of Manna Sunny Sourdough Bread with my dinner! Manna Orangics sent me some of their breads to try, so I tried this one first. I find it interesting that all of Manna’s breads are sprouted breads. This is the first time I’ve ever had a sprouted bread.

I’m going to write a full review once I’ve tried all the bread, but I really enjoyed the sourdough! I normally don’t eat sourdough bread, but this was really tasty. πŸ™‚ Very earthy, but still tasted like bread. I ate it plain, but it would have been great with butter.


Not too shabby. A bit high on the calorie side (140) for a small slice of bread though. πŸ™

Alright, I’m off to relax and enjoy the rest of my night! Tomorrow is my Friday! Hurray!!! πŸ˜€

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