• Firecracker 4,  Race Re-Cap,  Races,  Restaurant Reviews,  Running

    Fourth of July 2010 – Part 2: Firecracker 4

    After Saturday’s pig roast, Sunday Chris and I were all set to run in the Firecracker 4, a four mile race in Saratoga Springs. So far, this race has been my longest! I ran the Workforce Team Challenge back in May, which was 3.5 miles. I was thinking that four miles would be a breeze. 🙂 After picking up our packets and bringing them back to the car, we headed to where the start line was, right on one of the main roads in Saratoga. There were so many people running this race! I thought it was kind of funny that there were even mascots running this race! It was…

  • Food,  Holidays,  Wine

    Fourth of July 2010 – Part 1: Pig Roast

    Holy crap, what a busy weekend! I was so busy, in fact, I have to split this weekend’s post into two different parts! Hope everyone else had a fantastic fourth of July! I know I did! 😀 Saturday, my family and I were invited to a Pig Roast/BBQ Cookout to celebrate July 4th. It was a huge party, with 80+ people attending! The party was at my cousins’ house and they had a whole tiki theme going on, which was so cute! And they had tons of food, like you wouldn’t believe. The main attraction was a whole pig on a spit, but since I don’t eat meat, I didn’t…

  • Baking,  Food,  Running,  Training,  Travel

    Long runs, beaches, and chocolate zucchini cupcakes

    Things I like to do on my day off: lay on the beach, go for an 8 mile run, and bake chocolate zucchini cupcakes. Not in that order. 😀 This morning I woke up and knew I had to do my long run today, because there was no way I was running that much on the Fourth of July. I have too many plans and a four mile race that morning! I fueled with some peanut butter toast and honey, with some chia seeds sprinkled on top, and a cup of green tea. And I was ready to go. Miles 1 – 4 on treadmill in 44:45. Felt great. Mile…

  • Food,  Restaurant Reviews

    A Picnic and some Chipotle

    Well, today was my work picnic! I’ve only gone to one picnic since I began working at my Department, and that was two years ago. I missed last year because it was the same day as the DMB concert, so I decided to go to this year’s picnic. I knew not to expect much from the food at this place because it didn’t have that great of a reputation, and as suspected, it wasn’t great. They had hot dogs, hamburgers, raw clams, wings and ribs, all of which I don’t eat. However, a veggie burger saved my day! Although I wish I knew what was in it. I could see…

  • Monthly Recap

    June Recap

    Happy July 1st!! I can’t believe it is already July. Before we know it, it will be fall. But lets not think about that right now! Recap for June 2010 Running Total for Month: 90.63 miles, and 14:44:17 total time recorded. These are the most miles I’ve run per month yet. I’m so impressed with myself! Three long runs Two races ran the Freihofer’s Run for Women in 27:18 ran the Pride 5K in 26:10 and set my new PR! Other I also did some hiking, started yoga meltdown, took a yoga class at Indian Ladder Farms, went to a sushi party, and went to a local food festival. I’m starting off July with my work…