
The Doctor Says…

Yesterday afternoon I had an appointment with the sports doctor at the orthopedic.

But first, if you are new to my blog, here is some background info: about four months ago after I ran the Boilermaker, I started experiencing slight hip pain after my runs. It would be sore and hard to move around while stretching. I went to my general doctor and got an x-ray, but he said he didn’t see anything wrong and prescribed me with an anti-inflammatory. Last month, I started getting pain in my quad while running and sometimes walking. I wanted to get this checked out by a sports doctor.

When I got to the doctor’s office, I didn’t really think too much about what he was going to tell me. I sat down in the examining room  and the nurse had me fill out a runner’s background information sheet: how many miles a week you run, your average pace, PR times, and future running goals. Interesting! The nurse told me the doctor loves treating runners, since he is one himself. He actually ran 8 marathons and a few triathlons. I have a feeling this guy knows his stuff.

Anyway, after checking out my hip and making me jump around on one leg, the doctor looked at my x-rays, which I had done back in August, when this problem first started. He said there might be a teeny tiny bump where my hip bone meets the socket, which could possibly be a tear in the labram cartilage inside my hip socket (the  blue piece of cartilage on the diagram.)


He also said there could possibly be a fracture in my hip bone, but was pretty sure that wasn’t the case.

He also said to hope its just IT Band syndrome. Best case scenario. Next step:  arthogram MRI, where they inject the joint with a fluid so it shows up in the image.

I had the MRI today (not a fun experience to say the least) to find out if it was in fact a labram tear, but I won’t find out the results until later today or on Monday, and I will keep you posted.

Oh, the doctor also said absolutely no running for three weeks.

Three weeks! At first I was extremely upset, but after a while I came to realize that this isn’t the end of the world. I will miss my half marathon, but that’s okay. I want to focus on getting better so I can run the other races I plan on running in 2011.

I emailed the race directors and they said it would be perfectly fine for me to drop down to the 8K (five mile) race. Which, I will walk if I have to. I still want to partake in the race, if it means I walk it! Which, I won’t mind, unless its raining or something.

In the meantime, I can still workout–lift weights, do yoga, walk on the treadmill, ride the stationary bike, and do the elliptical/arc trainer. I will definitely be doing these things in order to keep my fitness up.

I haven’t taken this long off from running since I started running in September of 2008. 2008!! The longest I’ve gone is probably five days. It’s going to be weird. But I will like not having to plan my schedule around runs, I won’t have to force myself onto the treadmill when I don’t feel like running, and I will get to do other types of exercise. Oh, and I don’t have to run in the cold. But I will miss it, I know. I will find myself jealous of people I see running outside when the sun is out.

But I need to get better!

Three weeks will fly by, right?

Question: have you ever been an injured runner that had to take time off? How did you handle it?

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