• Food,  Running

    Hip Update

    Tuesday is almost over. One day closer to Friday, and that’s a good thing! This blog post is probably going to be all over the place so bear with me. This morning I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast because I’m running out of food and haven’t been to the grocery store in ages. I wanted a smoothie but had no bananas or frozen fruit. Cereal it is! Just a bowl of Kashi H2H cinnamon + Special K Protein, almond milk, with a dab of almond butter and a few mini morsels. Pretty tasty. Not quite as filling as a smoothie though. Lunch was a bowl of one of…

  • Boilermaker,  Food,  MHR Half Marathon,  Movies,  Races,  Running,  Training

    Still Fighting that Cold

    Well, I am now day three into my cold. I think I may be getting a bit better, or it might just be the cold medicine I’ve been taking. I made a dumb decision last night and ran two miles  in 23 minutes on the treadmill, even though I felt a little bit better… I probably should have just lied in bed instead. What I want to know is how I got so sick! I haven’t gotten a cold this bad in almost two years…why all of a sudden am I getting sick the week of my longest race? It’s not fair. While I was resting up last night I…